Magnificent, Mundane, or Most Likely In Between

Tavel journal and New Year resolutions

As the new year begins, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the memorable moments from the past year. As I think back, I start to find myself struggling to recall the details, even though there were certainly highlights like trips to France, Saint Martin, and a birthday in the Blue Ridge Mountains, the rest of the year blurred into obscurity. Why’s it so hard to remember!

To remedy this, I’m starting a weekly journal, sharing my life’s happenings, big or small. It’s a new endeavor for me; I’m not one to write leisurely or keep detailed notes, relying mostly on photographs to record my life. This journal will be a testament to the magnificent, mundane, or most likely in bewteen.

A bit about me: I’m thirty years old, happily married to my wonderful wife, LeAndrea. We have been together over a decade. She’ll be a recurring character in my stories, because we do almost everything together. We don’t have kids but share our home with our dog, Willow, and a foster dog, Mia. My hobbies and interests will unfold naturally in these entries, so be sure to follow along and find out more about me!

My personal journey in Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge

The year kicked off quietly. LeAndrea and I spent a leisurely morning in bed, enjoying each other’s company. Eventually, we got up – she tended to the dogs, and I prepared our morning drinks and breakfast. Our day remained unplanned until LeAndrea couldn’t take it anymore and spurred us into action.

She suggested a beach trip or a visit to a national refuge. I chose the latter – Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. The journey there and back was a mix of the usual chaotic highways and euphoric back roads.

Okefenokee was a surprise. I’ve learned to keep my expectations in check, but it was delightful. My passion for photography came alive here, capturing the essence of nature, from an alligator’s antics to the tranquility of sun streaked paths.

A personal victory was photographing LeAndrea in a way she actually liked, a rare feat for me. It’s usually a struggle to take good pictures of people, I often times capture them with their hair a wreck or their eyes closed or mouths agape, but this time it worked out.

So, my first journal entry and day of the year conclude with a spontaneous adventure, enjoyable moments, and successful photography. But most importantly, it highlighted the joy and inspiration LeAndrea brings to my life. Her presence made the day – and this new journaling journey – possible. Here’s to discovering what this year holds. Till next week, have a time.